Great Deals on Hotels!

Hotels.comI know there are tons of sites out there where you can find deals on travel expenses, such as hotel reservations. In trying to plan a summer trip for my family, I came across I like this one because it is nicely organized, easy to navigate, and it seems to “know” what I want to do. For example, if I click into a property, it opens in a new window, saving the place where I am on the site’s search results listing. What I really like is that in that new window, if you click on the location map, it pops up in front and you can zoom in/out and the best thing is that it shows all the other hotels in the area surrounding and you can click on those and check them out without losing your place.

Also, I know this is not a big deal to most, but I like the fact that (by using cookies) if you need to come back later for another session the last configuration of location, rooms, number of people etc. is already entered. A huge time saver.

The reservation process is quick and easy. They of course also give you the option of getting their app (who doesn’t these days) so you can keep all your reservations on your phone. I was a very slow adopter of using apps for so many things, but this is one of those ones that is convenient and makes a lot of sense.

Click here to reserve now on